Last Updated on February 14, 2021 by Nadim Alamuddin
Have you ever experienced challenges or struggles in life that you just wished you could overcome? Have you ever felt that while you thought you’d learn from previous mistakes, your challenges often come in various forms so you can’t possibly avoid them? What can you work on to overcome your struggles or better yet, treat these challenges as opportunities for you to grow further?
As we move through life, we encounter many challenges, both personal and professional. But, as human beings, we can choose how to deal with these challenges. To do so, we must develop a very strong mindset, something within us that would make us snap out of whatever struggle is bringing us down. A successful person conquers his/her struggles. I remember reading a passage that said that, in order to conquer our challenges, we must view them as smaller than us.
Table of Contents
So, what are these seven keys?
So, what kind of mindset do we adopt to help conquer these challenges? Well, if you Google this, you’ll definitely see that there are a few. For this post, I will mix it up with examples of quotes I have found to make the point.
Key #1: Believe in yourself
You’re unlikely to overcome any struggle in life if you don’t believe you’re able to do so. When you have self-doubt, it often shows, and can be detrimental to your social and/or professional life. Your whole posture and body language will give you away. You need to develop the self-confidence and belief that will help you think ahead of how to overcome whatever is thrown at you.
Key # 1: Believe In Yourself!Click To TweetKey #2: Focus On The Positive
Have you ever heard that we usually tend to attract what we focus on? If you focus on the obstacles in your life, chances are that you will only see challenges, rather than focusing on solutions, which will eventually help you overcome those struggles.
Key #3: Don’t Ever Quit
I have recently seen a quote that said “if you’re tired of starting over, stop quitting prematurely”. The only way I define failure is when you quit. You may be inches from reaching your goal – persevere and you will get there. Never give up on your dreams and goals. Dreams can be real and goals can be achieved.
Key #3: Don't Ever QuitClick To TweetKey #4: Don’t Blame Yourself Or Others
If something doesn’t work out as planned, it’s not the company, the products, the people, the process, or you. You need to recognize and be responsible that your success or failure is determined by the actions that you take. This is not the same as blaming yourself, but it is a way to become aware that you have the power to change the outcome.
Key #5: Do What Is Hard
Nothing in life comes easy. Then again, some people like to go through life safely within their comfort zone. This will never let you explore what is possible and how to overcome the simplest of obstacles.
Key #6: Practice Gratitude
What are the things you are thankful for? We should always remember the good things in our life. We should look at our families, our parents, our homes, our culture, everything that has contributed to who you are today and say thank you.
Key # 6: Practice GratitudeClick To TweetKey #7: Use Confident Language
Studies have shown that if you use negative words on a daily basis, you will become depressed. Instead, use words like unbelievable, fantastic, powerful, confident, and unstoppable as part of your daily vocabulary and you will see the transformation it will do you and the people around you. I practice this on a daily basis, and often my colleagues ask me why I’m always so positive. You should try it sometimes – it makes a world of difference!
Here are some powerful motivational quotes you can download, print and affix in your home office to stay motivated!
Conclusion – Here Are Your 7 Keys To Overcome Your Struggles
A lot of the content in this post comes from my previous experiences, although I have been inspired by a couple of articles on the internet, namely:
Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I have written another post on how to conquer your fears that you would probably enjoy reading.
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How do you overcome some of your own challenges, especially if you use a different method than those outlined in this post? Leave me your comments below.
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