How to Set SMART Goals And Achieve Them

SMART Goals letters held by hands

Last Updated on December 1, 2021 by Nadim Alamuddin

I’ve been going through video and audio training the last couple of days and, while I’ve heard most concepts on setting SMART goals in my different roles at work, there were some that really made me listen.  I would like to share these with you as I believe they are important.

To start with, goals you set must be SMART, which stands for:

  • S – Specific – you need to be as specific as possible here, so as a child can understand exactly what you mean (what, how, where)
  • M – Measurable – you must have something tangible by which you will know when you have achieved it.  A number or quantity, a dollar amount, etc.
  • A – Attainable – you must make the goal attainable or achievable, even if you have to stretch to reach it.
  • R – Realistic – you should be able and willing to reach this goal
  • T – Time based – you need to have a time frame by when you must realize this goal
Blackboard with Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timebound goals written on it
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-bound goals

SMART Goals and Beyond…

The above SMART goals are taught in most places of work.  What I’ve learned in addition to these is the power of the mind, specifically your subconscious mind.

Try this. Write down one of your SMART goals in the present tense, as if you have already achieved it. Write it in a statement where you state your name, your location, what you’re currently doing, your state of mind, how you have come to know you have achieved your goal, what you are feeling, sensing, smelling, hearing, and how easy (or hard) it has been to achieve this goal.

Visualize Your SMART Goals…

Here’s an example, to reinforce this concept. “Today is March 31, 2020. I am sitting out at the porch of my beach cabin in Ft. Lauderdale. There is a morning breeze causing the wind chimes to sing along. It’s 8:15 in the morning, and I have just opened my Mac Pro to my PayPal account page. What is staring back at me is causing me to do a double take. I did it. I finally did it. All the hard work that I have been consistently putting, has finally paid off. My lips first crack a little smile that slowly widens to a maniacal laugh. I pick up my Mac and carry it inside to show it to my spouse. Looking back, it seems that all that work, was relatively easy – I only needed to keep at it…Now, on to the next goal…”

Visualize Your Goal As If You've Already Achieved It!Click To Tweet

If you write it this way, look at it every day upon waking up and then before going to bed, your subconscious mind will find ways to get you there.  Try It!!

Here’s another way that has worked for me. I set my passwords with my goals and objectives, of course making them stronger by introducing special characters etc. But, it’s a similar concept. Entering this password or goal every time you need to access your laptop makes it ingrained in your brain. It makes it easier to focus on it day in and day out until you achieve it.

If It’s So Easy To Achieve SMART Goals…

Here’s a scary statistic for you. Did you know that 92% of people never achieve their goals? Why do you think that is? Well, here are some reasons:

  • Their goals are unrealistic
  • People set too many goals
  • They don’t monitor their progress against their goals
  • People often underestimate the time it takes to achieve their goals

I’m sure you could think of a few more. But, do you notice that if the goals were SMART in the first place, you can increase your chances of achieving them?

Five Ways To Achieve Your Goals

So, how will you make sure you will achieve your goals?  Five basic things:

  1. Set Goals That Motivate You
  2. Set SMART Goals
  3. Put An Action Plan
  4. Monitor Your Progress
  5. Repeat

How are you performing against your goals? Have you been monitoring your progress? Make sure to stay on course and you will get there!

Thanks for stopping by. Wish you all the success you’ve planned for! If you haven’t done so already, checkout this post as well as this one! If you practice the concept in the first post, and you start setting and monitoring your goals, I am willing to bet that you’ll soon start to see a change in your life…

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How to Set SMART Goals And Achieve Them


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