Overcome Your Fear Of Change Using 5 Quick Fixes

Round table of people with a callout

Last Updated on May 4, 2024 by Nadim Alamuddin

These days, it’s not uncommon to hear of companies that are downsizing, restructuring and/or cost cutting. In almost all cases, changes like these instill concerns, job insecurity and pure fear in some, if not all of us. In my career, I have experienced these events first hand, at least a few times. This blog post serves to guide you through some of the questions that may be on your mind, and give you five quick fixes of what you can do to overcome this fear of change.

I am sure there are many blog posts on this subject and most may take you towards the psychological aspects of it. What I want to do here, is to share my own experiences, those that worked for me that could potentially work for you. 

Overcome Your Fear of Change: Embrace the Change

It’s human nature when it comes to change to say “this will not affect me”, “it’s happening in another department”, “poor so and so, they’re being laid off”, etc. Yep, we often go into denial, thinking this will not phase us. But, no matter what your initial reaction is, I would advise you to make an effort to understand the changes that are coming your way, whether you believe they will affect you or not.

Letters of the word "Change" held up by hands
Embrace Change – Overcome Your Fear of Change

It is important to look at the changes positively and take them as possible opportunities, rather than threats to your job. How are these changes going to affect your company as a whole, your department, your manager(s), yourself? How can you benefit from these changes? What can you do to overcome these changes, especially the anxiety or fear these changes are bringing?

Overcome Your Fear of Change: Assess Your Skills

Whether you like it or not, the skills that you had coming into your role may not be marketable today. With the upcoming changes at work, you may be out of your role or job unless you have the required skills for the future (after the changes are implemented).

One of the most important decisions to take is to invest in yourself TODAY. You need to update or upgrade your skills for the market of tomorrow. If the company provides e-learning courses, do not hesitate to use them. Otherwise, I would recommend you invest in some vocational courses to stay up to date. 

And please, do not play victim and do nothing. You’re only hurting yourself. You can manage your time in such a way to do these courses within your work hours and if not, you should not hesitate in investing some time to do them on your own time. It’s for your own good. This would be one way to overcome your fear of change.

Overcome Your Fear of Change: Network, Network, Network…

Image showing different pictures depicting a network
Network, Network, Network – Overcome Your Fear of Change

Did I say network? One of the most critical and beneficial strategies in today’s market. Let me ask you something. Do you know the colleague that sits across from you? How about a colleague from a different department? What about a colleague from a different region (if your company is a large one)? Across continents?

If you don’t, start networking within your company NOW. There is no better time than today. There is no reason whatsoever not to know your colleagues. Even if you don’t work together. At least you both work in the same company. There’s already one thing in common.

My colleagues know me as one of the few people that knows everyone that works in the company at our regional offices by name. Not only that, I know a little bit of information about each person I meet. I make it my business to introduce myself to each new face I see in the office. Why? Because it helps, eventually. 

Why is this important? Consider that some of the changes that are coming will make some roles redundant. By knowing who works where, I can easily pick up a conversation to find out if there are opportunities within the company in other departments, regions and/or countries. I don’t have to rely on the regular channels like HR to do so. And, because people tend to know me, this paves the way to a more fruitful conversation. This may lead to open doors where everything else seems to be closed.

Overcome Your Fear of Change: Keep Up The Attitude

Attitude is everything. Attitude is contagious. When you come into the office slouching, how do you feel? How do others feel? 

While it’s challenging to keep a positive attitude when you’re feeling anxiety or fear, you’d be surprised how much a change in your attitude will do to your overall demeanor. Try it. All you need to do is say “I feel fantastic”, “I feel great” as people as you how you’re doing. 

Think Positive writing on a pad, with a pen on the side
Think Positive – Overcome Your Fear of Change

I practice this every day in the office. My colleagues often wonder what I’m on 🙂. But, it’s so very important as it really changes the way you feel towards everything and everyone. And, believe it or not, you’ll be doing a much better job at work.

Overcome Your Fear of Change: Make Things Happen For You

This is a game changer. Do not wait for the change to happen, especially to you. BE the change. You need to be proactive. You need to do your homework. Reflect, assess your skills, look at opportunities within your firm or externally. Network within, network outside. 

Make sure you update your CV, highlighting your latest achievements and their impacts on your department or organization. It is so imperative to start your job search while you’re employed, rather than wait until you lose your job. 

By looking outside, you not only find out how marketable you are, you’ll also keep all your options open. Who knows, maybe even though you had wanted to stay where you are, you may find there’s a better opportunity elsewhere.

Overcome Your Fear of Change: Recap

How do you feel now?

In summary, you need to seize the moment, rather than fall victim to it. The more proactive and positive you are, the better your chances of jumping to a more fruitful opportunity, whether within your firm or outside. 

Page where many words relating to Seize The Moment appear
Seize The Moment – Overcome Your Fear of Change

Change is a constant. It is often out of our control. We just need to manage everything else within our control and we’ll come up as winners.

I sincerely hope that you will overcome whatever challenge comes your way. 

Thank you so much for reading this post. If you’d like to share your own experience(s), please write me your comments at the bottom of this post. Or, if you prefer to be anonymous, you can always send me your comments using the Contact form on the menu “Contact”.

Reader Feedback

Here is some feedback I’ve received from readers who did not use the comments box below (thanks a lot!):

  • “Trust that the process always puts you where you need to be. Many changes are opportunities in disguise. Look back and reflect on your life and learn where the experiences have led you and what you learnt from them. Wonders most often happen outside your comfort zone.” 
  • “I would have stressed ‘continuous education’. The future belongs to those who keep on learning”

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Overcome Your Fear Of Change Using 5 Quick Fixes


  1. This was a really interesting article because I tend to approach change through a much more Exposure Therapy based approach, so this was refreshing! Great advice!

    • Thank you for your feedback and happy you enjoyed it. I tend to approach and overcome challenges using my own experiences, rather than from a professional perspective, as I don’t have those qualifications. I do have good experience in the corporate, consulting and recently the entrepreneurial worlds to be able to share them to add value.


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