Last Updated on December 3, 2020 by Nadim Alamuddin
As you start building your business online, one of the popular questions that comes to mind is “should I really have a blog for my business, and if so, why would I?”. In this post, I would like to discuss the reasons to create a top-notch blog, especially if you have a brand and/or product you want to promote. In other words, why blog when you can use other conventional methods, like advertising or word of mouth? Another question to ask is “what makes a good blog?” Is it the blog writing format or something else entirely? Glad you asked. Without further ado, here are the five reasons to create a top-notch blog.
Table of Contents
Reason #1: Create and share content:
If you’re passionate about a certain subject, or have a particular expertise you want to promote, what better way to do so than by writing a blog post? If you are setting up your business online, with a new brand you want to promote, blogging is the best vehicle you can use to reach the masses.
Of course, blogging alone will not necessarily reach the audience you anticipate. When you finish writing a blog post, you need to syndicate it. By this, I mean you need to share your posts, market them so you increase your readership and footprint. To do so, you can share your posts on social media, even schedule them to post on certain times when users are most active.
But for your blog to attract readership, you absolutely must write great content.
Reason #2: Build Trust:
As you blog more, especially on topics that establish your expertise and know how, you will start to build trust with your readers. This is one way to get them coming back to your blog. Continue writing exceptional content, providing your readers with lots of value, by educating them, entertaining them, and/or promoting products and services that will actually help solve your readers’ challenges, and you’ve got yourself a hit.
If you’re a blogger that is looking to monetize your blog, trust is a critical win for you to start promoting your products and services. You no longer need to pitch your products and services. By just writing about them or reviewing them, consider them already sold.
Reason #3: Reach Prospects and Customers:
As you build trust and review more products and services, your readers are more likely to share your content within their social media networks. This reaches new prospects and customers you never had. It will increase traffic to your blog and ultimately this boosts your potential sales. When you reach more people, you’re apt to get more diversity in ideas and challenges people are facing. This will propel you to write more content that addresses these new challenges. And that will ultimately boost your readership. You see how that cycle feeds itself?
Reason #4: Build A Following:
As you write more quality content, your readers will be apt to share it across their social media networks, thus promoting your content on your behalf. As a blogger, it’s important to stick to a blogging schedule, as your readers will be waiting for new content to read and share.
Of course, you can ensure that your content is easily shared by adding Social share buttons on your posts for all the popular social media sites. You should aim to create similar profiles to your blog name across all your social media platforms, so that your readers can readily identify you and/or your brand.
On my blog, I have social share buttons at the beginning and end of each post, allowing my readers to share posts they find interesting and/or informative. I recently added left-side share buttons that float as you scroll down the page, so it’s even easier to share.
Affiliate Disclosure: This blog post contains links that take you to external sites. Some of these sites are products and services that I recommend, based on my experience with them. If you decide to purchase from them, I may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you. Thank you in advance for your understanding. For more info, check out the Affiliate Disclosure page. |
Social Share Plugins
For my blog, I’m using a nifty plugin called Social Warfare, which allows you to display your social share buttons any place you like. There are lots of settings where you can customize your buttons, add or hide social share counts, and even has a bitly shortener feature. It is available in free and pro versions. While the free version is enough for most users, I have the pro version, which adds features for social media users. It allows you to control images posted to Facebook & Twitter, and has special settings for Pinterest power users.
For WordPress users, here are other popular plugins that would provide you ways to put social share buttons on your blog (of course, some themes also have these built in):
Reason #5: Build a community:
As you start building up more readership and following, you can start engaging your audience by conducting surveys or interactive posts where you ask them to comment or leave replies on your posts. This allows an exchange of information and/or dialog to follow. As you continue writing and sharing superior content, you will see an increase in your comments and engagements. In fact, the more comments you have, the better your chances in appearing in organic searches, and thus the more exposure your blog will get.
You can also create a forum if your business has after sales support or product reviews where you’re opening the door for a lot more engagement. Depending on your blog theme, you may need to change your settings to enable your comments. In most WordPress themes, you can find this in Settings / Discussion.
There you have them! 5 reasons to create a top-notch blog! Of course, I’ve used a rather simplistic approach to blogging and its success. I would like to disclose here that writing a blog is not as easy as it sounds in this blog post. It needs dedication, focus, and a passion to write great content. It needs patience, perseverance and discipline. You need to be structured, and ensure you stick to your schedule.
To be consistent with my blog, this post focused on topics related to blogging for beginners. Now that we’ve covered why blogging is so critical for your business, are you ready to create your blog? If so, please read “From Zero To Blog In 5 Steps” which will give you step-by-step instructions to get you going in no time. And, if you already have a blog, but need instructions on how to create a top-notch blog post, read this post.
And if, for whatever reason, you’re struggling in your everyday tasks, here are a couple of posts you should definitely read:
- Top 5 Reasons Preventing You From Being More Successful
- 7 Keys You Need To Overcome Your Struggles
- How To Optimize Images Without Losing Their Quality
- 3 Myths About Blogging You Need To Know Before Starting Your New Blog
As I have covered in this post, it would be great if you could share it on your social media networks and leave me a comment at the bottom of this post. Thanks a lot for stopping by! To your success!
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