What Is Preventing You From Making Money Online?

man on laptop looking at his sales - What Is Preventing You From Making Money Online?

Last Updated on June 24, 2023 by Nadim Alamuddin

“Making money online”. One of the most searched words on Google these days. Yet, so few of us embark on this exciting journey. Why is that? This blog post examines the reasons why people tend to shy away from such an opportunity. It also highlights some of the opportunities that you can join to make money online.

So, you’ve been looking at your situation lately, reflecting on your current life, how much you work, how much time you have for yourself, your family, your loved ones, how much money you’re earning, how much money you’re saving, how many vacations you take your loved ones, and, for whatever reason, you realize that you’re not happy or you want more out of life. So, what do you do?

It Comes Down To You

Maybe you feel like you don’t have enough time, you’re already stretched thin as it is in your day to day life, which is fair. You may feel you may not have enough money to start anything, maybe you’re already in debt, maybe you’re afraid to make the wrong decision. You may be afraid of failing at whatever venture you go into, or afraid of looking bad in front of your peers. You know what? It doesn’t MATTER where you are or how things look.  Because today is another day. Things can and will change for the better:

  • When YOU decide you’ve had enough
  • When YOU decide to take back control
  • When YOU decide to take MASSIVE ACTION even though you may not know everything today
  • When YOU don’t quit until you achieve your goal(s)
  • It all boils down to YOU
Protester carrying #ENOUGH sign - Making Money Online
Making Money Online – Time To Say Enough

Moving Forward

So, now you’ve made the decision to do something about your situation. Now what?

Well, there are lots of opportunities on the market. How do you choose? Fair question.  Traditional franchises typically require you to invest 5 times what you intend to make on a yearly basis. So, if you want to make $100K per year, you need to invest at least $500K to buy the franchise to start realizing a $100K a year in 3 to 5 years!! Does this suit you?  Well, it might, but if you’re anything like me and you identify with what I wrote above, you may not have that kind of money up front to do so.

You may want to start your own business, which will incur some investment…but statistics indicate that, on average, most small businesses shut down within the first four years (source).  Do you want to be in these statistics?

White Arrow pointing ahead and child walking in that direction - Making Money Online
Making Money Online – Moving Forward

What To Choose

For me, I wanted to start something on the internet. I live in Dubai, and while this is a great trade city, it has a fairly small market. I wanted to be able to do business across borders, no questions asked. I wanted to make money from home.

So, I started looking into internet-based opportunities. I would recommend you to do the same. It’s amazing how technology today has brought us together, across regions, across cities, across states, across countries, across continents. We communicate more on social media today than in person – it’s scary! But, it’s also an opportunity.

One thing to point out. Whatever you choose to do doesn’t have to be full time. If you currently have a job, online opportunities can be a way to supplement your income. In fact, this is how most entrepreneurs start. They embark on an opportunity, working at it part-time. Once they start making money online and they realize its potential, they then make decisions of working at it full time or staying with their jobs.

Which Business Opportunity?

Next question is: which internet-based opportunity should you start in? There are lots to choose from.

Here are my recommendations:

  • Identify or determine your passion.  You need to be passionate about whatever you choose to do; otherwise you will not have the credibility to attract anyone to join you or to buy from you.
  • Identify what type of product(s) you would like to promote.
  • Do your homework. Review companies before you commit. Research on the internet, there are plenty of sources to choose from, Google, YouTube, Facebook, forums, etc.
  • Choose your opportunity and DIVE IN!

What’s Network Marketing?

I was introduced to network marketing via a friend I knew through another business opportunity. Network marketing is a business concept where you build a team of sellers to sell someone else’s product. A lot of network marketing firms started even before the internet was commonplace. But the internet exploded this opportunity. It’s one of the best ways to make money online, provided you choose the right company, have the right support and the right training. While there are many companies in this industry, I was lucky to have engaged with one of the better ones. Through this company, I found my passion in writing and started this blog accordingly.

A lot of online opportunities deal with digital products so you don’t have to stock products and worry about any logistics. A lot of companies provide their own extensive training videos to get you up and running. Some of the companies offer lucrative compensation plans. You’ll find there are lots of ways to make money online. Others are there to give you a structured guide on how to setup your business. If you follow the guide, you’re well on your way to earning an income online.

Pyramid Scheme?

What network marketing companies mainly do is help you leverage your efforts from your team’s efforts. This means that the compensation plan encourages you to recruit people into your team so that you can earn commissions on the products your team sells as well as your own sales. This increases your income potential. Some of these companies have products or services that are like subscriptions. You sell them once, but as long as your customer is paying for the subscription, you get your commission on a monthly basis. How sweet is that? This is an example of making passive income online.

A lot of naysayers label these as pyramid schemes, which in turn border on scams or fraud. By definition, however, a pyramid scheme is when a company compensates you for recruiting people without the sale of any products. Network marketing companies, on the other hand, operate the same way as a regular corporation. In a company, there’s a president or CEO, there are some VPs or Directors, then managers and staff. The company makes money leveraging its employees’ efforts in sales, services, etc. Of course, you will find the odd company that only compensates on you recruiting people, hence the need for you to do your research, before embarking on this journey.

So, what’s really preventing you from making money online?

What Other Opportunities Exist To Make Money Online?

Of course, network marketing companies are not the only opportunities available. There’s also Affiliate Marketing, which is a method I have described in “Best 3 Simple Ways To Monetize Your New Blog“.

There’s blogging, where you can make money from home either through creating your own products, or using someone else’s products to promote (via affiliate links). You can use Ads or have sponsored posts. The opportunities in blogging are endless. But, they depend on YOU. It’s up to you to decide.

You can setup an online store and sell a myriad of products online. You can even go into trading stocks or cryptocurrency. The sky’s the limit. You just need to find your niche and take MASSIVE ACTION!

It all comes down to you - what's preventing you from making money online

The only ways you will fail in an online business opportunity are:

  • If you quit too early or
  • If you do not follow and apply the training. Some people believe there are shortcuts to making money on the internet. I don’t believe there are shortcuts. You just need to decide, dive in, work hard and smart and accomplish your goals.

Conclusion: The Choice Is Yours…Choose Wisely

Again, what you choose is up to you. It’s time to live your dream. What will your choice be? As you can see, there’s really nothing preventing you from making money online.

If you chose blogging as your opportunity, here are a couple of blog posts to help you get started:

If you’re struggling with managing your time, so as to embark on a new opportunity, I’ve written a post which provides you with seven ways to improve your productivity. If you decide to take action, be sure to read The No.1 Key To Getting Results.

It’s time for you to…

Black background with "Do Something Great" printed in capitals - Making Money Online
Making Money Online – Do Something Great

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What Is Preventing You From Making Money Online?What Is Preventing You From Making Money Online?What Is Preventing You From Making Money Online?


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